If you look very carefully at the signs these smiling women are holding you can read their proud statements: “My anemia is gone”, “My diabetes is controlled”, “My family and I are healthier”.
In fact, the entire group has recently graduated from (L.A.-based) Groceryships’ six-month program which provides a comprehensive nutrition education course and weekly support groups as well as access to healthy food at a reduced cost. Families are empowered to lead a healthier lifestyle as they learn about nutrition, healthy cooking and effective shopping skills. They also become part of a network that discusses issues of emotional eating and food addiction in a safe, sacred space, where every person is respected and honored.
Groceryships is the brainchild of Sam Polk, a former financial executive who struggled with his own weight issues. The Good People Fund has supported Sam’s ground-breaking work for the past few years and our latest grant actually underwrote the cost of a class of graduates who are now on the path to a healthier lifestyle.