While reading my usual tzedakah blogs this morning I noted with some pleasure that Harold Grinspoon, the generous benefactor of so many innovative Jewish education programs like PJ Library, has just launched a tzedakah box project. 250,000 colorful tzedakah boxes have been sent to those very children who have been recipients of PJ Library books.
What a great lesson Mr. Grinspoon is teaching with this creative idea; what better way to spread the idea of generosity and giving to our kids? Hanukkah is certainly a time of giving and in that spirit we offer some creative ways you and your families could fill any tzedakah box:
• $54.00 will let Ruthie Sobel Luttenberg of Birthday Angels make a birthday party for an Israeli child who would otherwise do without.
• $36 will help the Jack and Eleanor Borden Kosher Meal Fund provide kosher meals for elderly Jews throughout the U.S.
• $18 will help Fran Held buy diapers for her Diaper Bank at the Mitzvah Circle Foundation.
• $54 will provide some extra support for elderly Survivors in Eastern Europe who are fortunate to receive visits and help from Zane Buzby and the Survivor Mitzvah Project.
• $30 will provide a struggling elderly Jew on NY’s Lower East Side with some extra credit to use at the local grocery store each month.
So, take the mouse that is sitting nearby as you read this and scroll down to the light green border of this page. Click on DONATE NOW and teach your kids about the real miracle of Hanukkah—helping others! We can promise that you will all feel good.
Chag Hanukkah Sameach!