Dear Naomi,
…Because of The Good People Fund, we are now fully into planting season. Among the saplings and seeds now comfortably taking root on the farm are: tomatoes, zucchini, corn, lettuce, spinach, beans, basil, beets, and more. Up until now, visiting groups, including a team of more than 40 who came to honor the memory of Rabbi David Forman (z”l) last week, have helped provide hundreds of hours of volunteer service. However, end of next month, we will begin to work with dropout youth for a special mini-summer program which will let us check our model and provide a really great experience for all participants.
By the way, we are still in the process of building our website and hope that it will be up and running in two weeks.
Shalom and once again – TODA RABA! Yoni
It is always those early morning emails that seem to put a smile on our face, remind us of why our work is so important and give us the excitement and impetus for the rest of the day’s work. The writer is Yoni Yefet-Reich, one of the many inspiring young Good People we met on our last trip to Israel. Yoni has a passion for farming as well as a long history of working with youth. Joined by several other young social entrepreneurs;among them teachers, social workers, organic farmers and more, Yoni has just started Kaima, the Aramaic word for sustainability. Kaima’s focus is on engaging and empowering youth-at-risk through a program that utilizes hands-on organic farming, as well as a CSA program which will provide income.
During our February visit to a rocky plot of land in Beit Zayit, right outside of Jerusalem, we saw the very earliest stages of Yoni’s dream. The land was being cleared by volunteers who learned of the project through Facebook and other social media. We have to admit, it did seem like a daunting and back-breaking job, but weeks later we saw pictures, almost unrecognizable, of the same land, now cleared and ready for planting. With the Good People Fund’s matching grant which provided the seedlings and seeds, the group’s dream is literally growing before our eyes. (for a great short look at their work check out
We cannot wait until the kids show up to see just how lives might change with Kaima’s help.