Dear Naomi,
Once again, a huge thank you and a big hug for making a very special Pesach camp experience possible for our teens. They loved the visit to INTRA – the horseback riding, dogs, handling the horses as well as the chocolate-making workshop on the last day of camp – taking home impressions and memories that will stay with them for a long time. For many of the kids this was their first encounter with horses.
Your support and friendship mean everything to us.
All the best,
Miriam and Beth
On a recent visit to our programs in Israel we had a very productive conversation with Miriam Avraham and Beth Steinberg from Shutaf, an exciting program which provides inclusion programming for special needs kids. When we learned about their upcoming Pesach camp for teens and how difficult it was to find appropriate programs that would grab the teens’ attention, we immediately thought of INTRA-The Israel National Therapeutic Riding Association and how a day with the horses and the beach and the sea could be fun and therapeutic.
With an introduction to Anita Shkedi at INTRA, Beth and Miriam and their staff were quickly on track to arrange a great day. When we saw the many, many pictures they shot, much like the one we have here, we knew that this was an excellent tzedakah investment. The kids could not have been happier–and neither could we and the Good People Fund donors who made it all possible.