I wish to thank you for your amazing support. The treatments helped and I feel very happy with the result. It was very difficult to have a tattoo that disgraced my status. Now, thank G-d, I feel I am complete as a Jew and not looking different than who I really am.
Last May we shared the story of two young Ethiopian women from the Falash Mura community. The young women are part of a program that fosters volunteer work, education and leadership training. While still in Ethiopia custom dictated that the Falash Mura were tattooed with the mark of a cross on the forehead and hand. Whether this was to avoid persecution by Christians is up for debate, but several years ago the Chief Rabbi in Israel did accept the aliyah of this group. These two women had the markings and as a result were ostracized not only by their peers but also by the children in the schools where they volunteer.
This morning we received the short note quoted above. The writer, Dasash, was one of the women whose treatment was covered by the Good People Fund. Included was this picture.
How little it took to make such a profound difference in the lives of these two young women.