Before we begin the dairy-lovers’ favorite holiday, please take a look at this great picture just sent to us by Dr.Neal Goldberg, the founder and inspiration behind Lev Leytzan-The Heart of Compassionate Clowning. Lev Leytzan is a New York-based medical clown training program that attracts teens and young adults and teaches them this very special art.
Our favorite part of Lev Leytzan’s program is Elderhearts™, which engages Alzheimer’s and dementia patients in a playful but purposeful way. Through the use of period costumes and props that are reminiscent of an earlier time, the clowns are able to awaken memories and feelings long forgotten in the miasma of dementia. Looking at this picture you can see clearly how the clowns’ attire does just that.
With the Good People Fund’s new grant which will underwrite further training in the Elderhearts™ program we know that even more elders will benefit from this special therapeutic tool.
Chag Sameach!