“The personal is what mattered most.”
The greatest impact of our time as a Good People Fund grantee was the personal, heartfelt encouragement I received from Executive Director Naomi Eisenberger and board members in that first meeting to move forward in our early years, and the vote of confidence through financial support.
Not all support is equal, even when the dollar amount is the same. A corporate grant doesn’t mean nearly as much as one from GPF, which is paying such close attention to the mission, the work, and the people. I felt the attention and grant as encouraging and motivating, but the personal is what mattered most.
We live at a time of overwhelming need and deeply distressing issues confronting all living things. The GPF community consists of those who have responded by doing whatever they can with the time and talents they have, and with the supportive treasures of generous others. GPF is an antidote to despair and disempowerment, a sign of hope and a jolt of encouragement.
— Blyth Taylor Lord, Founder and Executive Director, Courageous Parents Network