Caravan to Class
Advancing Education in Timbuktu and Beyond

Nine young women in Mali, a country perhaps better known for its military takeovers, are now on the road to new lives filled with untold possibilities. Recipients of Caravan to Class’s Bourse Jackie scholarships, each woman completes an intensive English course as well as attends university, with some graduating this year and already promised jobs.
Barry Hoffner began Caravan to Class after attending Mali’s famous desert music festival. Upon learning about the dearth of educational opportunities available to Mali children, Barry began to build schools in local villages. As Barry noted, “Imagine a world … where no matter where a child lives, the fundamental right of education is assured.” To ensure that those children break the cycle of illiteracy that had plagued their ancestors for years, Caravan to Class has constructed 15 schools with a 16th planned for late 2021.
Our funds are used to underwrite university scholarships.