Brit Ha’Leviot
Support for Trans and Gender Diverse Youth and Families

When Leora’s daughter Nili was 15, she shared that she felt uncomfortable in her body. For two years, Nili’s mental health deteriorated, until she met with a therapist who helped her through her gender transition.
What do parents do in that kind of situation? Seeking support, Leora came upon the work of Brit Ha’Leviot. “At first it was rough. I cried about…how bad things are…. But “the alliance of lionesses encouraged me … I found people who understood what I was going through,” Leora says.
In 2016, Merav Livni Keish joined with three other mothers of trans kids to address these new challenges. Their mutual support evolved into Brit Ha’Leviot, an organization now dedicated to promoting the rights and well-being of trans and gender diverse children, supporting their families, transforming institutions and educating Israeli society at large.
Our matching funds are directed to administrative expenses.