Breaking the Chain Through Education
Ending Child Slavery in Ghana
It could be the biggest social studies project ever, beginning in a Metuchen (NJ) High School classroom and reaching 5,000 miles west to Africa.
In 2006, teacher Evan Robbins read about child enslavement in Ghana and brought the story to his students. Together, they dived into the issue and committed to act. Breaking the Chain Through Education grew as successive classes of Evan’s built community and global partnerships to increase awareness, raise funds, rescue Ghanaian children, and put them on a path to long-term success and independence.
BTCTE helped build a school in the Lake Volta region and is currently helping to support 90 formerly trafficked children to end cycles of poverty that lead to child slavery.
Our funds help underwrite the organization’s minimal overhead.
What Good People at Breaking the Chain Through Education Are Saying
“… Many positive changes to BTCTE occurred during the pandemic. I had the opportunity to step back and reevaluate the organization and how best to help victims of trafficking.“
— Evan Robbins, President and Executive Director
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