Episode 57: (un)conference Preview! – Repairing a Challenged World, with Ruth Messinger
Good People Fund (un)conference keynote speaker Ruth Messinger is a prominent social change advocate, and former President and current Global Ambassador of the American Jewish World Service. In this special pre-(un)conference episode, Ruth speaks about the Jewish and moral imperative to repair the world … the challenges facing visionary leaders … and what she’s planning to impart in her keynote address at the (un)conference in November in New York City.
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Episode 55: (un)conference Preview! Songs of Love with John Beltzer
Come November, at The Good People Fund’s (un)conference in New York, singer-songwriter John Beltzer will bring us into his unique zone of good … leading attendees as we give our voices to a song personalized for a child facing a serious medical challenge.
Since 1996, John’s Songs of Love Foundation has touched the lives of tens of thousands of children and teens in this way. By crafting free, original and customized songs for them — written and recorded by a network of talented singer–songwriters — the Foundation is providing solace, relief and escape, and expanding a community of care and compassion.
In this episode of Good People Talk, John speaks with GPF Executive Director Naomi Eisenberger about the vision, the growth, and the impact … and what he has planned when he presents at GPF’s (un)conference this fall.
Episode 48: The Good People Fund (un)conference, Artist, Activist and Educator Jon Adam Ross on the Power of our Stories
As The Good People Fund (un)conference approaches, our guest is featured speaker Jon Adam Ross — a New York-based artist, activist and educator, and co-founding artist and Executive Director of the In(HEIR)itance Project. In this dynamic episode, Jon describes the power of harnessing our stories and narratives to fuel and deepen our work and advance positive change. He speaks with GPF Executive Director Naomi Eisenberger.