Who among us hasn’t teared up at a wedding when the ceremony ends and the groom breaks the serious mood by stomping down on a glass to a chorus of “Mazel Tov” from family and friends?
Though we could not be in attendance there were tears in our eyes as well this morning when Laurie Groner from our Israel program, Inbar, shared this picture and word of last night’s marriage of two Inbar clients (there were actually ten last year alone!). This young organization offers social events as well as courses in relationships and social integration to people with disabilities and its work is bolstered by the efforts of several matchmakers and other volunteers who work hard to promote Inbar’s goals.
As Laurie wrote, I wonder if it’s the first time the groom has broken the glass under the chuppah with crutches.
It may not have been the first time but we are so proud that the Good People Fund can be part of such special work.