Good People Learn is a series of online learning opportunities from The Good People Fund—featuring rabbis, educators, and community leaders sharing insights and wisdom to help us meet the moment in a challenged and challenging world.
Upcoming Workshop Series
Real Hope, with Rabbi Debra Orenstein
Beginning March 27, Rabbi Debra Orenstein presents Real Hope, a multi-session Zoom workshop drawing on the modern science of Positive Psychology and the ancient wisdom of Hebrew texts to stoke genuine hope in us as we walk through our days.
Course Details
6 sessions
Live-streamed on Zoom
11:30 am – 12:30 pm EDT
- March 27
- April 3 & 17
- May 1, 8, & 15
(no sessions on April 10 or 24)
Can’t make it, or can’t make it to all sessions? You will receive access to all recorded sessions and materials, so you can catch up or review anytime. A Zoom link will be sent to you once you register.
*All are welcome.* Suggested contribution: $180. Any amount is appreciated, and extra sponsorship to defray costs is encouraged.
Proceeds from this series will promote hope in Israel by supporting Road to Recovery, and other Good People Fund grantees. Road to Recovery runs on hope—and creates more of it. With many of its treasured volunteers killed by Hamas on Oct. 7, the people who have offered hope and help to so many now need an infusion of both.
About Rabbi Orenstein

Both before and since October 7, Rabbi Debra Orenstein’s teachings on hope have been in high demand. She has taught paradigms and practices of hope at the Marlene Meyerson JCC in Manhattan, the WholeBeing Institute, and the Institute for Jewish Spirituality, among other venues. Spiritual leader of Congregation B’nai Israel in Emerson, NJ, Rabbi Debra originated the course Positive Judaism: Jewish Tradition and Positive Psychology at the Academy for Jewish Religion. You can learn more about her on her website.
Session Descriptions
Uncover the resistance that we all have to hope, consciously and subconsciously, so that you can define and embrace the kind of hope that works best for you. Learn the proven benefits of hope that you can expect.
Learn seven potent practices, vetted by modern research, to boost your hopefulness, wellbeing, and motivation to take action, so that hope feels genuine and simple to sustain.
Access keys to hope that are embedded in the Bible and in Jewish historical resilience, so that you can more fully enjoy and savor positive experiences, while also finding peace and comfort in difficult times.
Engage the questions and practices that will renew your hope and empower you to overcome setbacks, even when feelings of hopelessness arise.
Practice “borrowing” and “lending” hope constructively, as an ally, so that you never have to worry about leaning too much on others or feeling depleted yourself. Meet a surprise guest and “Hope Hero.” Ask your questions in a Q&A.
Curate a customized plan so that you can keep Real Hope and all its many benefits thriving and growing in your life.
Register for the Workshop
Reserve your spot today by filling out the form below
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Have questions or want more information?
Please contact julie@goodpeoplefund.org
We look forward to seeing you in the workshop, and increasing hope together!