I am not sure about you, but my head is spinning from the myriad of days that have passed since Thanksgiving…Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, Cyber Monday and the culmination of them all, #GivingTuesday.
While we applaud a day dedicated to giving, here at the Good People Fund we think of giving on a daily basis, be it Tuesday or Friday or any other day, which is why a recent article by David Nocenti in The Chronicles of Philanthropy really resonated for us.
Mr. Nocenti shared; “I urge all nonprofits to join my organization in not asking for money on Giving Tuesday. Instead, let’s give to the communities we serve and to the people who support us.”
The Good People Fund will be joining Mr. Nocenti and the Union Settlement Association in East Harlem (N.Y.) by giving back to some of our programs in the ways we have outlined below. In addition, we will be matching any donations sent to Amir Project for their new project which brings social justice education to kids in camps that serve low-income kids.
We would much rather give EVERYDAY!