Birthdays just come. They don’t care if there is war or peace, quiet or the sounds of rockets exploding overhead.
Thanks to the good work and creativity of Ruthie Sobel Luttenberg and her programs Birthday Angels and Design for Change, kids forced to spend the long summer days in bomb shelters won’t have their special day forgotten despite the reality surrounding them. As Ruthie has arranged in previous wars, a contingent of Israeli volunteers travel south to bomb shelters several days each week and provide games, songs, what certainly looks like an amazing birthday cake — and a chance to forget what is happening outside.
Added to the parties this year is a moving meditation exercise Ruthie created with help from some talented volunteers who wrote the music and the words. Watch this clip–it is guaranteed to touch your heart and mind. Though the words are in Hebrew we include the translation below.
The Good People Fund is honored to help Ruthie make these parties possible. No one should miss a birthday.
Find a place where you can lie down on the floor.
And then, whenever when ever you are ready, just close your eyes.
Listen to the music and let it take you to the quiet, safe place you have inside yourself.
In this place, everything is calm and peaceful.
In this place, there are birthday angels who watch over all of you.
These are the malachim, the guardian angels.
They make you strong and protect you from harm.
Each angel stands in a special place – and each one has a special job to do.
In your imagination, picture the archangel Michael standing guard at your right side.
Michael is kind and loving.
He understands and accepts you just the way you are.
He reminds you that you are a very special person.
He makes you feel good about yourself and everyone around you.
Whenever you are feeling sad or lonely, Michael will stay with you until you are happy again.
Standing to the left of you is Gabriel.
This archangel is powerful and brave.
His gift to you is strength and courage.
With Gabriel’s help, you can let go of anything that makes you feel afraid.
Whenever you are frightened, all you have to do is call to Gabriel
and he will be there to protect you.
In front of you is Uriel – the angel of knowledge.
Uriel is wise and all knowing.
If you are feeling lost or confused, just ask Uriel for help
and he will show you what to do.
Uriel will always lead you in the right direction.
He will always help you find your way.
In back of you, stands the archangel Raphael.
Raphael is in charge of healing.
He is like a divine magician who knows how to change the bad into something good
When you are sick or in pain, Raphael will help take care of you.
Just tell him what is wrong and he will use his magic powers to make things better.
Whenever you need the archangels, all you have to do is close your eyes and imagine.
Michael will rush to your right side and shower you with love.
Gabriel will take his position on the left to keep you safe from harm.
Uriel will stand in front of you to light your way.
And Raphael will be there behind you, in case you need his healing help.
In a moment it will be time to open your eyes.
But even when the birthday party is over, even when you go back home,
you will still feel happy and calm, relaxed and secure because you know you are protected by the angels.
Here we go…
Whenever you are ready, just open your eyes.