"The calculators are here. The teachers are very excited. They couldn’t wait to get them. They are very appreciative! They were needed and will definitely be well used. Thank you so much. "
We continue to do very special work with the families and schools in McRoberts, Kentucky. (Described in this Diary on November 18, 2009) Situated in the Appalachians, McRoberts is a tiny, proud rural community that struggles to educate its youth and improve the lives of its citizens. Over the past year we have interacted with the schools in many different ways – providing individual early reader books for each child in kindergarten, field trips, school supplies and more.
The school staff is dedicated and constantly seeking ways to provide students with the right learning tools. When we learned that math students in the middle school did not have the proper calculators, we agreed to help and immediately ordered a set for one of the classes.
Judging by the picture, it looks as if the Good People Fund’s investment was a wise one and the calculators are being put to good use!