Finally, we had today our first healthy meal in the “Gan”… Every day the kids will have for lunch meat or chicken + carbohydrate (potatoes, rice, couscous…) and vegetables.
Several weeks ago we reported on the good work of one of our new grantees, Tzimaon which was started by Shlomo Artzi and his wife Michal. This all-volunteer organization believes that those blessed with more economic opportunities should help people who struggle daily to get by. To each of them, this is what Israel should represent. When we learned that the group was involved in a project to help improve the lives of the young African refugee children attending day-care centers in Tel Aviv we agreed to fund nutritious food that would replace the pasta and ketchup meals the kids were currently eating.
This morning Carmit Elad, the Tzimaon volunteer spear-heading this effort wrote us with this brief report. The kids were not the only ones happy. The Good People Fund is happy, too!
Healthy meals will no doubt make for healthier kids.