The new machines are up and running!
We’ve got three now (shipped to us from Singapore this week) and are excited to scale our impact and produce more soap. We’ve also added a few extra tables, a drying rack and some used furniture (chairs mostly) using your funds. And a fresh coat of paint!
I wanted you to see these pictures before anyone else – so you can know where your money is going and how grateful we feel to have your support. 🙂
This short note and picture arrived this morning and proves once again how quickly our tzedakah dollars can “do some good!” The writer is Erin Zaikis, founder of Sundara, one of our latest grantees whose work focuses on reducing preventable hygiene-related deaths and disease by creating sustainable soap recycling programs for under-served populations worldwide. With hotels throwing away billions of bars of gently used soap annually, Sundara collects those bars before they hit the garbage, cleans, sanitizes and packages them for distribution in conjunction with basic hygiene classes. The bonus? Community members are enlisted to the effort, offered employment and training, and perhaps most important of all, dignity. In the slums of Mumbai where these new machines are now being used nothing could be more important!