September 07, 2008
A True Chick Flick
A friend in Israel sent a note this morning which included a link to a newly released short video which features someone who we consider to be an outstanding role model for both kids and adults. Clara Hammer, often referred to as the "Chicken Lady" of Jerusalem celebrated her 97th birthday this past May and neither age nor an occasional "bad day" stops her from providing Shabbat food for families…and particularly children…each week.
Clara’s story is a legend that has been shared with many people throughout this country, especially religious and day school students who contribute to her work. Many years ago, while visiting her butcher, Mr. Hacker, Clara witnessed him handing over a bag of chicken bones and skin to a young girl. Commenting to him that the girl must own many cats, the butcher replied that the bag’s contents were actually for the family to use to prepare a Shabbat cholent. He went on to explain that the father and mother were not well and had not worked in a very long time. Though he had extended credit to them, he could no longer do so. Clara was appalled that anyone would have to eat such garbage and instructed Mr. Hacker to give the girl two chickens and a half kilo of chopped meat weekly so that they could have a proper Shabbat. No one was to know the identity of the donor.
Clara has been performing the mitzvah of feeding hungry people for almost 30 years. (she was a "young" 69 years of age when she actually started). Her story never fails to inspire those who hear it.
Check out the following link to see this short clip:
…and if you are intrigued by this amazing woman, follow the following link to an order form for a copy of a DVD produced by the Ziv Tzedakah Fund which features a more detailed version of Clara’s story (as well as the stories of several other incredible people changing the world bit by bit):