While this photo reminds most people of life on the Lower East Side of Manhattan in past generations, we know that even today, many elderly Jews still call that area "home." One of our favorite tzedakah opportunities comes to us twice each year from Project Ezra which offers social services to more than 400 frail elderly in the area. For so many of these lonely elders, often beset by physical and emotional problems, having sufficient nourishing food on the table, day after day is not always easy. Limited income frequently means that as the end of the month nears, there are fewer dollars to spend on food.
The solution is relatively easy. With the cooperation of the local store, each elder who qualifies receives a monthly allowance of $30 (or $360 yearly) to spend on food when their own funds have been depleted. The $2700 check we sent the market today will cover 15 people for the next six months. (We’ve just added two more people to the list) A pretty good arrangement, we think, and one we would love to expand if the resources were available.