This morning, as we prepared to head to the kitchen to cook that one big last meal before the fast, the phone rang. On the line was Scarlett Fave, the Social Services coordinator for the Caridad Center in South Florida. Caridad Center is dedicated to the needs of many low-income, working poor families in that region. Scarlett knows that when she has an emergency situation she can call on the Good People Fund and if we can, we will help.
This morning’s call involved a family on the verge of losing their modest trailer home. The husband works in construction but has been laid off for the past three months. The wife is employed as a housekeeper but the woman she worked for has moved and she now finds herself out of work. The husband is assured of new work next month but with three children to feed, this otherwise stable family could lose their home because of the fees they owe to the trailer park.
Could we help?
On the eve of the holiest day of the year it felt incredibly good to tell Scarlett that, on behalf of all of our generous donors, we will send a check to prevent this family from becoming homeless.