May 01, 2008
Double Your Pleasure, Double the Mitzvahs!
Aaron and Zachary Nessel’s Mom was in touch today-more checks are coming in for the twins’ Bar Mitzvah project. Aaron and Zachary decided they wanted to help feed hungry kids in Israel after they read about the savtas (grandmothers) at Beit Frankforter in Jerusalem. The savtas arrive at Beit Frankforter early each morning to prepare sandwiches for kids in nearby schools whose parents cannot afford to provide them with this mid-morning snack. Some days they make cheese, other days it might be hummous or chocolate spread or maybe even tuna. Each sandwich is bagged with a piece of fruit as well. The boys have been very successful in their efforts and as you can see from their note, they even had a chance to visit Beit Frankforter and witnessed first-hand these dedicated savtas hard at work….
For our Bar Mitzvah project we are trying to raise money for kids in Israel that cannot afford lunch at school. We visited Beit Frankforter in Jerusalem this past December, the Jerusalem Center for the Aged, and met the ‘savtas’ that make 500 sandwiches a day to send to the local schools. The project is called "A Sandwich a Day for Every Child". We hope that you can help us raise enough money to feed a child who comes to school without an afternoon sandwich. These children come from broken homes, or have parents who cannot, will not or do not have the money or make the time to prepare a lunch for their child. It costs approximately $21 per month to feed one child. Our goal is to feed at least two children for a year. In order to accomplish this we will be selling Israeli foods at the HAMC and all proceeds will go to this wonderful organization. We are also reaching out to you and others for donations to help this cause…
Yasher koach to Aaron and Zachary! This is an example that lots of other kids could follow.